Empowering Women Without Discrimination


Research and Empowerment Organization- REO, Powered by Global Human Rights Defence- GHRD, Netherlands Organized a Rally in Dhaka Press Club, Dhaka on the International Women day -2018, organized A good number of youth and others organizations also joined the Rally.

The REO’s Chairman was lead the Procession, he claims that the Prime minister is a Female, Speaker is a Female Even the opposition larders’ also a female in Bangladesh. But it is the hard reality that the 3,887 female raped from 2014-2007. The 818 female raped in 2017 and 47 has been killed after raped. Moreover, 21 female raped inside the public transport in Bangladesh in 2017.

Moreover, 620 children have been murdered mostly in girls in 2017. Females and girls are in main target and danger in Bangladesh. The government should look after this and we claim government must have to stop it.

Supreme Court Advocate Pranab Chandra Saha claims that the minorities are affected day by day and it has increased. The female and girl is the easy and main target because reluctant of law and order. The perpetrators are not arrested and due to party members sometimes the party men also reluctant against them. Young female leader expressed their feeling that the 30% government revenue earned comes from the female side but the female is affecting from every sector. Why? We have to raise our voice and government should have to come forward to stop it.

Prof Chandan Sarkar

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